Still Involved...

We're almost at the end of May 2024 and soldiers are still asking for help raising money for and procuring equipment. Playground Kiddush Club remains committed to helping protect the lives of chayalim and also equip them with the materials they need in order to save other soldiers' lives. In order to help make sense of what's going on, I thought it might be helpful to answer some questions...

Why do soldiers need to raise money for equipment? Is the IDF not properly equipping them?

When the war started, there was no way of knowing exactly how the situation would unfold. More than 350,000 reservists showed up in the first week following October 7th in an effort to help Israel. Seven months later, and a lot of the gear needs to be replaced, and as the threats have evolved so does the understanding of what gear is necessary for the mission. The extra gear that is needed is not necessarily readily available in Israel and the IDF is limited in its purchasing (there are many factors relating to this).

How does Playground Kiddush Club factor itself into helping the chayalim?

Just by having this platform online, I am able to reach many more people and raise awareness of ongoing needs. Instagram is a channel that enables me a way of giving attention to specific fundraising efforts. Everything PKC sells has a percentage 10-100% of profit going directly to fundraising efforts- whether it is a platform a unit has for collecting money or more typically for the purchasing and sending of medical equipment.


Does it really make a difference to purchase items from PKC?

Thus far, the money raised from sales has been primarily used for sending bags of equipment to Israel. Each physical duffel bag is around $22 and sending the bags costs between $50-75 depending on the method. The actual items that have been sent have been paid for separately by financial contributions made directly to 501C3s that have allowed me to have a fund for enabling a tax deduction for donors. That being said, the sale of all the Bring Them Home bracelets plus over 15 Schlep tote bags will enable purchasing of special backpacks used by medical officers (doctors working within IDF units) to best carry their medical equipment on the field. In fact there will be enough backpacks for half of the doctors in this unit that relates specifically to the treatment and evacuation of wounded soldiers.  

Why do you give a range of proceeds to fundraising?

Running the website, purchasing shipping materials, and manufacturing items costs money. If I could, I would allow for all the items to have 100% proceeds going to fundraising but it's not feasible. In our wold today, especially with a fashion related brand, it might be strange to say this but I am not looking to become wealthy from PKC. This brand was started with the intention of using my playful designs to spark joy in others and has evolved into something that combines creativity, purpose and drive in order to fundraise and bring awareness to ongoing needs in Israel.  

But what's the PKC plan after the war?

Gd willing we will see the safe return of the hostages soon and the end of the war (let it be very soon please). I am currently working on finding talent and manufacturing capacity in Israel for PKC items in order to help support the economy. The fundraising aspect of PKC will shift from medical equipment to helping organizations that provide support to wounded soldiers, as well as projects that work to expand and provide trauma-focused mental health services in Israel for all.

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